Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 8

This week I came back from Christmas break. This week went by fast.   Since we did not post during break my team mate, Alexis, and I are going to post today. Our post will be about Winterguard starting and a new Guard season a head of us. Alexis and I are both in our Varsity Colorguard and are excited for a new season with new goals and new hopes. Like the new year, New Year, New You, but I like to say New year, new beginnings. The upcoming post for this year will be about our competitions and our progress of both our Junior Varsity and our Varsity Teams. We found out a couple weeks ago that we are hosting two competitions at our school. One for Varsity and one for Junior Varsity. Other school that host have the privilege of using their gym, unlike us. We do not have that privilege but we do have more of a challenge to practice outside in high wind and very cold weather. Which is more of the challenge and is kind of better than a gym, but it is still going to be a different feel than normal.